Farmington River Education Programs

Kids at Farmington River during summer

Providing education and resources to our community and schools is an important part of restoring and protecting the Farmington River. From fieldtrips, workshops and presentations, publications, and more, the FRWA is committed to providing a variety of resources to help teach the public about the river. Learn about our River Smart program and learn about or donate to the David Sinish Memorial Recreation Access Fund.

Kids learning about Farmington River
Educational programs

If you want to help the river, it’s important to know where, and what, its problems are. FRWA gathers information that can lead to action. Our research and expertise assist planners, policymakers, watershed residents and river users.

We’ve also helped develop River Smart educational materials on how individuals can help reduce polluted stormwater runoff, and how to create native planted rain gardens and riparian buffers.

Publications & Resources

We produce the FRWA News, a quarterly newsletter reporting on current river issues and opportunities to get involved in our work. Check out the FRWA research reports on water quality too!

Bird standing on rock
Farmington RiverFarmington River

Clean water starts with you! The River Smart pledge is a way to increase awareness and effect behavior change that can positively reduce the levels of polluted runoff into our streams, rivers, and ultimately Long Island Sound.

Take the River Smart Pledge >

Learn about Rain Gardens >

Farmington River

The David Sinish Memorial Recreation Access Fund was established by FRWA to honor the memory and achievements of David Sinish in the work of protecting the Farmington River.  Many accomplishments of the FRWA would not have happened without his vision, guidance, deep knowledge, and understanding of the river. His generosity, gentle spirit, sense of humor, and persistent advocacy made him a wonderful conservation partner. The impact David had on the river and watershed was profound and will continue to inspire.

Learn More about the Access Fund>

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